Banish Your Microphone Fears!
Are you completely at ease using a microphone? Do you know how to easily adjust a microphone stand to fit you? Do you know how far away from a microphone to speak? Do you know three ways to quickly stop every speaker's worst nightmare? If you can truthfully answer 'yes' to each of those questions, you don't need this presentation!
Key Benefits:
You'll learn:
- the three preparation steps you should take before a meeting begins
- the two actions to take immediately before you begin to speak
- the three actions guaranteed to eliminate every speaker's worst microphone nightmare!
For the workshop version, you'll have have a hands-on opportunity to practice the techniques with a microphone.
Who Should Attend:
- People who will need to use a microphone
- Public Speakers
No serious speaker should not know these secrets of microphone mastery!
1/2 hour presentation or 2 hour hands-on workshop