
This is where we'll list upcoming presentations and additional news.

Upcoming Presentations by Norman Daoust

Yes, Virginia, there are Universal Relationships!

Thursday, February 29, 2024, 10:15 - 11:15 a.m.

Description: Without relationships, there would be no useful databases. However, we tend to focus on the entities and devote much less attention and rigor to the relationships in our data models. While you already are familiar with "type of" and "part of", we will also explore “transformation of”, “instantiated as”, “located in”, and other universal relationships that occur in data models across many industries. You will see how to create domain-specific relationships derived from these universal relationships. Using universal relationships will make your data models more consistent, help to recognize patterns, and help your model audience understand both your models and the world better.

After this presentation, you will think about relationships differently and treat them as first-class citizens in your data models!

Learning objectives:


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Data Modeling Zone

February 27 - March 1, 2024

Presentation details from conference web site Under The Main Event, in the Skills column click on the presentation to view the details.

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